- Teacher: Peter Glavic
- Teacher: Martin Dolinský
- Teacher: Szilagyi Aida
- Teacher: Oihana Hernáez
- Teacher: Rocha Cristina
- Teacher: Thomas Schönfelder
- Teacher: Christos Nistas
- Teacher: Giannis Papavasileiou
- Teacher: Pavel Ruzicka
- Teacher: Barbara Hammerl
The course is developped for qualified workers from reuse of construction & demolition sector and consists of 5 learning units:
- Learning Unit 1: Introduction (including best practice in cities)
- Learning Unit 2: Construction elements
- Learning Unit 3: Wooden elements
- Learning Unit 4: Electric equipments in buildings
- Learning Unit 5: Conduction of an assessment of reusable construction and demolition materials
A qualified worker for reuse of construction & demolition materials carries out an assessment of reusable construction and demolition waste streams prior to demolition and renovation of buildings. The aim is to facilitate and maximize recovery of materials and components from demolition or renovation of buildings and infrastructures for beneficial reuse, without compromising the safety measures and practices.
This qualified worker must be familiar with different types of reusable construction and demolition materials as well as dismantling, material recovery and repairing techniques. She / he should have a basic knowledge of European strategies for construction sector and waste management.
In the EU context, this task could be performed by trained workers within the reuse parks as well as repair, recycling & waste collection centers as well as construction or demolition companies.- Teacher: Szilagyi Aida
- Teacher: Rocha Cristina
- Teacher: Martin Dolinský
- Teacher: Peter Glavic
- Teacher: Barbara Hammerl
- Teacher: Oihana Hernáez
- Teacher: Christos Nistas
- Teacher: Giannis Papavasileiou
- Teacher: Pavel Ruzicka
- Teacher: Thomas Schönfelder